Thursday 8 August 2013

Humbleness before God

No matter how long we have been coming to church, praying, fasting, walking with God and so on we should never think that we are now perfect and better than those who are not yet converted.

We are saved by the grace and mercy of God, and I can never forget where the Lord found me. I was not better or different from my friends. The things we did were the same and I think I did the worst things than them. But it still amazes me how God manifested Himself to me and saved me from the wrong direction I was heading. 

So by remembering my background, it helps me to remain humble. Even though I believe I am saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit, I still ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness for any mistakes that I might have committed throughout the day. As a matter of fact, if the Holy Spirit indeed dwells in you, He is the one who will guide you and convict you if you have done wrong and will advise that you repent. But He will never force you to do so.

All of us, converted or not converted, still need to humble ourselves before God.

May the cartoon speak.

God bless you!

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