Thursday 17 October 2013

Baptism in Water or Bath Time?

Baptism in water by immersion is necessary for a new Christian convert because it symbolises the burial of one’s sinful nature or old self and a resurrection of a new creature of God.

It doesn’t mean that the person’s sinful desires will vanish after having been baptised in water, but the person will no longer be ruled by sin unless he wants. But when the person fights with all his strength to resist sin and seeks strength from God wholeheartedly, then the Lord Jesus will decide to baptise him/her with His Spirit. Note that the person decides to be baptised in water, but the Lord Jesus is the One who decides to baptise the person with the Holy Spirit.

The Lord Jesus said if one wants to enter the kingdom of God, he/she must be born of both “water” and the “Spirit”. So this shows the importance of baptism in water and then baptism in the Holy Spirit. When Jesus Himself was baptised in water, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him, and there God the Father declared Him as His Son. The same happens when a person gets baptised with the Holy Spirit, he/she turns from the creature of God to a son/daughter of God. Then when the person is baptised both in water and the Spirit, he/she will have power to overrule all desires of the flesh and will overcome the world.

This sounds very complex, but personally I say if one really wants to see all of what is written above happening in his life, he must hate his sinful lifestyle with all his heart, otherwise the water baptism will just be another bath time.

May the cartoon speak further

God bless!

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